Wednesday 26 September 2007

Alexandra has new board position with pharmaceutical company

Alexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg, will become a member of the board of the Swiss company Ferring Pharmaceutical. According to the financial newspaper Børsen, the chairman of the company, Frederik Paulsen, believes Alexandra's previous experience with non-profit organisations will be invaluable regarding ethical issues and social responsibility. The company produces infertility, obstetrics, urology, gastroenterology, endocrinology and osteoarthritis drugs, among other things. Alexandra's profile has the potential to be a public relations plus for the company. Being a member of a board of this kind is not a full-time job and should not affect the appanage Alexandra recieves independently of the Danish royal family, although we will see with time the full extent of her involvement. The company has an International Pharma Science Center in Copenhagen (pictured), production facilities in Kiel in Germany and in Prague, Czech Republic. The name Ferring comes from the island of Föhr.

about Ferring
Alexandra i Ferrings bestyrelse news article inDanish
Alexandra ind i medicinalfirma TV2 article in Danish
Alexandra har fået job Jyllands Posten article in Danish
DR news update (clip 0:28) 'Grevinde Alexandra får bestyrelsespost'



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